Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jerky Review: Chinese Brand Beef Jerky

Despite the fact that I prefer jerky to sausage, all the reviews here at MSR have been of sausage. Quite a surprising coincidence. Here is our first jerky review, and I expect jerky to be featured here more prominently in the future.

Chinese Brand Beef Jerky
1.5 oz package
Montclair, CA

Noteworthy Ingredients: Wine, MSG, Soy Sauce

Taste: Anyone who has sampled Asian-style meat snacks knows that they are usually more sweet than salty. This is no exception. Slightly sweet and not any saltiness. Overall, the taste is very fact, it is rather tasteless on some chews.

Texture: Dry, but not hard. It has a ragged, shredded appearance, almost like it was half way to becoming Jerky Snuff. Overall, it is a pleasant and unique texture and an easy chew.

Overall: Nothing too special, but a satisfying meat-eating experience for the carnivore on the go.

Have you tried this meat snack? Let us know what you think of it in the comments.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sausage Review: Old Trapper Deli Style Beef Sticks

Old Trapper Deli Style Beef Sticks
.75 ounce stick, 24 count bag
Forest Grove, OR

Noteworthy Ingredients: Beef Hearts, MSG

Taste: I like salty but this stick is way too salty. There isn't much more I can say about the taste because the salt is overpowering from beginning to end.

Texture: This stick has a wonderful and consistent texture. Ground fine. The skin is just right. Very few, if any, tooth wedgies.

I sampled these sticks awhile back. I was quite impressed and eager to get more and do a full review. What a disappointment. I don't remember my initial sample being so salty. Almost uneatable, so I'm inclined to believe that this was a manufacturing error by the folks at Old Trapper.

Whew, it took me a few weeks, but I finally finished the bag. I'm gonna go buy a drink now.

Have you tried this meat snack? Let us know what you think of it in the comments.